our favorite resources for young people
(and all people!)
To try
Dancing Alone Together — a central resource of live streamed dance classes, performances, and dance-making prompts
Dear Stranger —during this time of isolation, Oregon Humanities invites us to write a letter to a stranger, and receive one in exchange
AnxietyBC calming visualizations and AnxietyBC Youth stories, inspiration, encouragement for teens by teens
Mindshift meditations and other tools for teens & young adults
SAM: Self-Help for Anxiety Management app for understanding and managing anxiety
Headspace meditations for hundreds of situations, from stress to sleep
Stop, Breathe & Think strategies and activities for identifying and dealing with difficult emotions
To watch
Heartbreak to Art
Dancers, musicians, painters, and poets share how art saw them through life’s most challenging times.
Create More Resilience video workshops — if you haven’t tried them yet, you’re in for a treat! Five artists share art projects from cartooning to painting to storytelling to dance, along with their own tips for taking on fear and worry.
“Your mind is your own, and it’s free”
Mara Gleason talks with us about our inner superpower. It’s a superpower that we all have, and when uncovered, makes us a powerful force for peace in the world.
To read
Overthinking worriers are probably creative geniuses, research finds
Good news! Researchers at King’s College, London have found a connection between worrying and an incredibly developed and creative mind.
Superpowered — Are you struggling with pressure from school, friends, or the uncertainty of the world in general? Superpowered takes you on a journey where you’ll find secrets, strategies, science, and more than a few mind-blowing facts to help you transform stress into courage, worry into confidence, and anxiety into resilience!
Relieve your anxiety by singing it
Some therapists have found that singing your worries can make them feel less heavy. We tried it in our Fearless workshops using the Smule app and… it worked!
Good reasons to smile
Scientists have found that even a forced smile can lift your spirits. If you “fake it til you make it” in times of worry, you are sending happy signals to your brain that actually brighten your mood. As Buddhest teacher Thic Nhat Hanh once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
Art & happiness: Can drawing, doodling, and painting lead to true happiness?
Spoiler alert: YES!
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life (for Teens): A Guide to Living An Extraordinary Life
“If you could only get past feelings of embarrassment, fear, self-criticism, and self-doubt, how would your life be different? You might take more chances and make more mistakes, but you’d also be able to live more freely and confidently than ever before.” This workbook is a guide to handling tough emotions with grace, strength, and dignity.
resources for parents, teachers & counselors
books & articles
Superpowered—a book by Renee Jain (GoZen) and Shefali Tsabary on transforming anxiety into courage, confidence and resilience
Mindsight—a book by award-winning educator and psychotherapist Dan Siegel on the healing power of “mindsight,” the potent skill that allows you to make positive changes in your brain—and in your life.
Playing with Anxiety—a book, narrated by 14-year-old Casey, that teaches kids and teens strategies for handling their worries and recognizing the powerful tricks of anxiety.
Book suggestions & tips for talking to kids about the coronavirus
Free downloadable Coronavirus coloring book to help children understand and cope with the outbreak
Influences of Cultural Differences in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety & Depression from the Anxiety & Depression Association of America
“Sculpting a Less-Anxious Brain” article by Kathleen Smith — with summary of suggestions from Dr. Dan Siegel of the Mindsight Institute
websites, apps, podcasts & videos
GoZen!—free resources for transforming the way kids manage stress & anxiety
Mindsight Institute—”Cutting edge science made accessible for mental health practitioners, parents, educators… and anyone else interested in personal growth”
The Shift—a multi-platform docuseries and social movement to erase the stima around youth mental health
Fighting Fear with Kevin Ashworth — videos hosted by the Clinical Director of the NW Anxiety Institute
Therapy For Black Girls Podcast–a weekly chat about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we make to become the best possible versions of ourselves.
Stop Worrying: Powerful New Tools for Anxiety Relief — a web resource based on the work of Dr. Reid Wilson, author of Stopping the Noise in Your Head
Calm — mindfulness tools for teachers
Smiling Mind — mindfulness curriculum & app
“The Great Parenting Show — tools, resources, and interviews with experts on a variety of parenting topics
WorryWiseKids — online resource for parents of kids experiencing anxiety
Coping Skills For Kids — online resource for calming anxiety in children
Relaxation scripts from Inner Health Studio
Stop, Breathe & Think — app for kids with fun & easy activities to help with processing emotions
DreamyKid — issue-specific meditations
Mental Health websites & providers
The Mighty — a safe, supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them
Therapy Den — national directory of therapists and art therapists
Healthline’s list of the 10 best free online therapy sites
Melanin & Mental Health — website, online directory, “Between Sessions” podcast & events serving the mental health needs of Black and Latinx/Hispanic communities
Inclusive Therapists — equal access mental healthcare that “celebrates all identities and abilities in all bodies.”
NW Anxiety Institute — supporting individuals in finding freedom from anxiety and fear
NW Art Therapy — directory of Oregon art therapists
National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network — healing justice organization committed to transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color
professional development
UCLA Arts & Healing — social- emotional arts resources, programs, and professional development opportunities.
HOPE (Healing Online for People Everywhere) —free social-emotional arts learning series from UCLA Arts & Healing
Lee Pesky Learning Center — strategies, resources, and professional development trainings for inspiring self-regulated, resilient learners.