
Make your own “Okay Kit”

  • Yes, we are all missing our friends right now, and all of our favorite activities, but we can totally get through this. We really can.

    And to remind us that we’re okay and that we can deal with anything life throws at us, we’re going to make our own personal “Okay Kits.”

  • Step 1 of 9

    Gather your supplies:

    A small container like a candy tin or box. You might have to do some searching around your house or in your recycling bin. Look down at the bottom of this page for some ideas.

    Materials for decorating your container, such as: fabrics, papers magazines for collaging, decorating tapes and stickers

    Glue if you have it (if you don’t, try this simple glue recipe!)

    A journal or piece of paper

    A pen

  • Step 2 of 9

    So here’s the thing. Nobody knows you better than you. Which means that nobody knows better than you what you need to feel your best.

    An “Okay Kit” can help you remember all the good things in your life — and in you — so you can face each day with calm and courage. That way, when worries or challenging moments come your way, you’ll be better able to get through them.

  • Step 3 of 9

    Let’s start by decorating your container. Depending on what materials you have, you can:

    Make a collage on your container using photos, or pictures and words cut from a magazine

    Cover your container in decorating tapes, stickers, colorful papers, or even fabric

    Paint your container


  • Step 4 of 9

    Remember, part of getting through worry is paying attention to how your mind and body respond to the things around you. So, on a piece of paper or in your journal, make a list of the things in your life that bring you strength, calm, and joy.






    Sounds (in addition to music, think about sounds of nature, like ocean waves, chirping birds, humming):

    Scents (Do you like the smell of oranges? Baking cookies? The ocean? Fresh cut grass? Puppy breath?):

    Favorite memories:

    Anything else you want to add to your list?

  • Step 5 of 9

    On a strip of paper that can be folded or rolled to fit inside your tin, create a “Remember” poem using the ideas on your list. Just add the word “Remember” to the beginning of each line. Play around with shorter lines and longer lines to give your poem a nice rhythm:

    Remember birds
    Remember racing my sisters down the sand dunes and leaping into the water
    Remember the smell of oranges
    Remember summer camp
    Remember rainbow snowcones
    Remember biking to the pet store with Jaylah and holding the baby guinea pigs and Jaylah squealing and almost dropping one!
    Remember grandma’s house

    Or if you’d rather, you can write your own kind of poem… or song… or even a story inspired by something on your list.

  • Step 6 of 9

    When you are finished, fold or roll up your piece of paper, tie it with a string, and tuck it inside your Okay Kit as a reminder of all the good things in your life — and in you.

  • Step 7 of 9

    Spend some time making a list of other things you could keep inside your kit.

    If you get stuck, here are some ideas:

    Photographs of friends, pets, favorite places

    Pictures and words cut from magazines

    Quotes and words of encouragement

    A list of people who love you

    Song titles

    Trinkets that remind you of special times, or your calm, strong, joyful self — a heart, a monkey, a seashell, a feather

    Rubbing stones (also called worry stones or calming stones)

  • Step 8 of 9

    Keep adding to your Okay Kit as you think of new ideas, and every morning, take a minute to look inside and remember: This is your day. You are strong, you are loved, and you have the power to take on whatever comes your way!

  • Step 9 of 9

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